
Innovations often arise when problems are approached from a different angle. Many scientists work to a more or less permanent pattern of investigation and therefore find it difficult to come up with creative solutions. For complex issues however, an innovative approach is sometimes essential.

KAIN has plenty of experience in innovative and method development projects and has repeatedly proven her ability to bring such projects to a successful conclusion.

Our innovative research activities include:

- Finding solutions to complex analytical problems

- Evaluating existing product packages and presenting ideas
  for new concepts 

- Determining strategy

- Helping to develop new techniques/instrumental applications

- Developing improved methods of analysis

- Fundamental research projects such as the internal ongoing
  development of the ‘Volume Overload Clean-Up’ technique




Table - Basic formula "No cure, No pay"


Research phase


Formulating research objective


Drawing up research plan


Supervising research program


- Qualitative method
- Quantitative method
- Method validation
- Method implementation
- ISO 17025 accreditation


Trouble shooting

Hourly rate

Analysis of samples
